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Academic Elementary & High School Programs

Are you ready to start your academic career in Canada? We have 48 elementary schools (ages 4 through 13) and 8 high schools (ages 14 through 18) that you can experience and earn your Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). An OSSD will help you apply for a college or university here in Canada, the USA or anywhere else in the world.


All of our schools offer ESL support when needed for our international students, and of course our teachers and supporting staff are always there to help and offer a hand. Prior to your arrival in Niagara, the International Office will send you our Pre-Arrival Learning Program and English Assessment (Vital English) so you are ready to come to Canada and properly placed once you arrive. Guidance counsellors will then provide all necessary support once in the schools.


All of our elementary schools and high schools have many clubs and sports to offer for cocurricular activities... far to many to list! To look more in-depth at what each school has to offer, please visit their websites at the links below. Each high schools is unique in their way of presenting themselves, but that makes it all the better experience!

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Our dedicated homestay provider, Hospitalite Canada, offers a range of homestay services, including homestay placement, custodianship, airport transfers, medical insurance, and much more.


Hospitalite Canada's goal is to provide exceptional customer service to our international visitors by placing them with the most friendly and caring host families. We endeavour to meet students’ needs by cultivating relationships with our families in order to ensure the best student-host match as possible, and by supporting students during their time with us in Canada.


Are you ready for a Canadian education?

Contact us today to learn more about enrolling you or your child to Niagara Catholic.

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Niagara Catholic District School Board

International Education Division

145 Niagara Street

St. Catharines ON

L2R 4L7 Canada 



Monday - Friday

8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Saturday & Sunday




T: 1.905.682.3360

F: 1.905.682.1219


Call for Appointment



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© 2022 Niagara Catholic District School Board.  All rights reserved.

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