Short-Term Integration Program
The Niagara Catholic District School Board’s School Integration Experience Program offers a valuable educational experience to visiting groups through intensive English as a Second Language (ESL) learning and integration within our Niagara Catholic elementary and secondary schools.
International students from grades 5 to 11 (10 to 16 years old) are invited to take part in the program, which runs at various times throughout the year in the Niagara region. The Integration Program offers students the opportunity to develop English language skills through formal classes and cross-cultural awareness through everyday interaction with Canadian students and teachers in our Catholic schools. In addition, students maximize their cultural experience by living with one of our carefully selected Canadian host families for the duration of the program. Groups may choose the standard 4-week stay or an alternate program, which could be shorter or longer than 4 weeks.
During students’ stay in Canada, they will have the opportunity to participate in a number of organised activities designed to promote learning, integration with Canadians, cultural awareness and, of course, some fun. All activities are closely supervised by our instructors, program monitors, and by the Administrator of International Education.
A detailed schedule of activities is provided closer to the date of each program, prior to students’ arrival in Canada.
Some common activities may include:
Visit to Toronto
Ripley’s Aquarium
Professional sports games
Visit to Niagara Falls and/or Niagara-on the-Lake
Theatrical productions
Various sports and physical activities
Movie evenings
Bowling/curling tournaments
Ski trip (seasonal)
Canada’s Wonderland (seasonal)
Optional trip to Ottawa and/or Montreal
Homestay Program
Students in the Integration Program are hosted by carefully selected and very friendly Canadian families who live a short walk or short bus ride from one of our schools. Families whose own children attend the school hosting the program are given priority, thus enriching the experience and promoting long-lasting friendships between two families (and two cultures). A maximum of two students are placed per home in order to minimize first language interactions.
Families provide students with a safe and comfortable environment, including three meals a day (with a packed lunch for school). Students are informed ahead of time who their families will be so parents have an opportunity to contact and talk to the host families directly. An alternative option to the homestay program is available at certain times of the year where students are housed together in one of the local student residence facilities. An estimate of the additional cost for this option will be provided upon request.
All groups registering in the program must meet the following requirements:
A minimum number of 20 and a maximum of 100 participants is required for each program (1 complimentary chaperone for every 15 paid students)
Students must be between the ages of 10 and 16 years old (grades 5 to 11) unless previously approved by both partners (the Niagara Catholic District School Board and the visiting school)
In order to adhere to our School Board standards, high school students are required to purchase and wear uniforms for the integration portion in the schools. All younger students must wear the Niagara Catholic District School Board dress code for elementary schools. Cost of uniforms is not included in the fees
Students must hold health and accident insurance while studying in Canada. A medical plan is included in the program fees
Students and chaperones must obtain a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) before entering Canada, unless they are from a visa-exempt country. A formal letter of acceptance from the Niagara Catholic District School Board will be issued to each applicant to be presented at the Canadian Consulate at the time of application